Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Some things take a lifetime to forget.

♥ Briefly satisfied my shopping cravings yesterday by hitting the Sass and Bide sale with E. We went in the last few hours and I'm quite pleased with my purchases - a few dresses, shorts and cardigans, but my favourite is this "Going It Alone" dress.

Image from www.sassandbide.com

♥ I've been (rather excitedly) planning an overseas trip for the end of the year, only to realise that travel expenses will set me back about three grand. I've about just lost all motivation to save.

- Popstar rosette dress
- Ralph Lauren cardigan
- Black knee-high stockings
- Nine West boots
- And a sad sad pout.............

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Cherish every moment you're in denial.

The weather seemed to warm up a bit today so I took the chance to get rid of the thick layers I've been snuggling up in for the past few weeks.

There Rawsthorne Super Swing tank
Ralph Lauren v-neck sweater
Ralph Lauren Melba flats
Black stockings