I've been decluttering and have sorted out some clothes that I either don't fit in or just no longer where. I've listed them here on another blog, so please take a look! Alannah Hill, Therese Rawthorne, Sass & Bide, Lover, etc starting from $5!!
These cute Sass & Bide shorts are only $10!

I've recently bought none-slip soles and stuck them onto the bottom of all shoes that are remotely slippery. Although they aren't too expensive at about $10 a pop, when you do about 10 pairs they start to add up! Why did I bother? Well, walking out of a lecture hall last semester down a set of stone stairs and wearing a pair of Robert Robert boots which I adore (apart from this incident), I turned around to speak to a friend only to slip down a step and fly towards the ground in front of a crowd waiting to go into the next lecture. Luckily I managed to reach out and grab a nearby railing before smashing into it full force with my knees - at least it saved me from a face plant in the concrete! It was so horrifyingly painful not to mention embarrassing. The thumb-sized scar on my left knee is therefore constantly reminding me to buy more of those soles and to resole any old, worn-out shoes! So learn from my mistake and go do the same to your shoes! Although I got to say, when they charge $400RRP for a pair of boots, you'd expect them to use leather or rubber soles...
$10! Are you serious, they are soooo cute!
The shorts are really cute! If I am as slim as you, I would grab them!
hello! you have a lovely blog! I thought i would comment yours instead of answering your question on mine. I got this skirt during the recent sales so with luck you might still be able to pick one up! If you don't have any luck, there were quite a few a couple of weeks ago so i can pick you up one if there's any left...
Oh, I so adore Sass & Bide. I can't believe you only paid
$10 for those - what an amazing find!! :)
Thanks guys, they're just a bit too out there for me!
Daydreaminblue - thanks for getting back to me)
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